heliumTALK - das Kunstgespräch

heliumTALK - das Kunstgespräch

For „heliumTALK – Das Kunstgespräch“ Jörg Heikhaus meets with interesting people from the art world at the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg. Conversations are English or German.

#83: Benjamin Murphy

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A new heliumTALK episode! For show number 83 I spoke with Benjamin Murphy, visual artist, writer, curator and lecturer and co-founder of the nomadic Delphian Gallery.

After a pretty long break for all those many reasons I have been talking about in the introductions to the previous episodes, I decided to get back into the podcast game, there are simply too many people still that I am so curious about that I tweaked the format of heliumTALK a bit so it doesn’t take a whole day in postproduction etc.

I won’t bore you with the details, but production wise these are a lot easier to make for me now, one big chunk I got rid of are the intros for example, I go right into the interview, etc….

But it’s still what to expect from a good heliumTALK-show. So. I do hope you continue to enjoy them. If you are new - there are over 80 episodes already, so have a listen if you find anything interesting in the back catalogue.

New shows are already planned and scheduled, but I do them when I do them and they come out, when they come out, so just check back here or at heliumTALK.com.

#82: Isabel Croxatto - exhibiting art with the heart and soul of a dancer

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I had the pleasure of talking to the wonderful Isabel Croxatto from Chile. We have been trying to connect for some time and it finally worked out, she is usually ultra busy with her gallery, which has been growing large over the past decade. Isabel is coming from a very creative background, she has been a choreographer, and she speaks from the heart about her very personal artistic view on what art means for her and does for people who are willing to open up to it.

Isabel usually travels a lot for her gallery and takes part in very prestigious art fairs around the world. Right now of course she works from home too but she and her team have built a fantastic online gallery where she can continue to do amazing shows with amazing artists. One of them we share, his name is Victor Castillo and I am sure you all know him by now ;) .

#81: Off the Record with Jonathan LeVine Nr 10 - Jörg & Jonathan: honest, unfiltered and slightly opinionated as always.

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It has been a while. But here we go - finally a new recording of my podcast „heliumTALK, das Kunstgespräch“. It’s one of the excursion episodes with my buddy Jonathan LeVine that we call „Off the record“, cos they are.

A lot has happened, but the biggest news for sure from heliumcowboy here in Hamburg is that I have passed the torch on to the next generation and put my son Melvin in charge of the gallery so I can focus only on my art from now on. I’ll explain all this a bit more detailed in this episode, but man, it feels gooooood not to have two full time jobs any longer and I can tell you I am as relaxed as I haven’t been in years.

I might even find more time to do podcasts again … we’ll see. But let’s get into this one, it is very special, I haven’t spoken with Jonathan since march, and it is a different world now, so here we go, lot’s to talk about, please enjoy the tenth edition of „Off the record with Jonathan LeVine“.

#80: Ken Harman about running multiple galleries in times like these, about diversity and what art can really do

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Not only has it been a while since my last podcast but this one has also been a while in the making. I wanted to speak with Ken Harman Hashimoto already in April, but we only recently managed to get together online, you can guess that it has been and still is a busy time for people running any kind of art business these days, and Ken not only owns three gallery spaces - Spoke Art in New York and San Francisco and Hashimoto Contemporary, also in San Francisco - but Recess, The People’s Print Shop and Paragon Books as well.

I very much love that we talked about really burning issues too, I am very thankful to Ken for being honest and open about everything.

#79: Datenschutz statt Bieterkampf: Jörn Wiemann / Viva con Agua arts über die virtuelle Auktion der Millerntor Gallery

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Ist nen bisschen her, aber ich dachte ich schiebe mal einen kleinen Podcast dazwischen. Ich kehre immer noch nicht zur Regelmässigkeit zurück, ihr kennt die Gründe - es ist einfach zuviel zu tun immer und alle Zeit und ich muss mal einfach mal an ein paar Ecken reduzieren. Aber es ist natürlich nicht das Ende vom heliumTALK, auf gar keinen Fall: ich nehme mir nur die Freiheit heraus, vor allem im Sommer das Tempo zu drosseln.

Für diese Episode sprach ich mit Jörn Wiemann-Huschi über die Viva con Agua arts-Auktion und die Millerntor Gallery, die wie so viele andere im Corona-Sommer alternative Wege finden mussten.

#78: Rene Spiegelberger über den Erhalt der künstlerischen Vielfalt in Zeiten der Krise

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Der erste Podcast mit Gast aus meinem Tonstudio (aka die Galerie) seit "dem Ausbruch"! Ich sprach mit Rene Spiegelberger aus sicherem Abstand (mindestens 1.60 m), aber immerhin von Angesicht zu Angesicht.

Rene gründete 2007 die Spiegelberger Stiftung, die sich die Förderung von junger Kunst zum Ziel gesetzt hat, zum Beispiel durch Stipendien, die Unterstützung von Ausstellungen oder Publikationen, aber auch durch Unterrichtsbegleitung, Seminare und das Bereitstellen von kostenlosem Unterrichtsmaterial an Schulen. Rene und sein Team veröffentlichen darüber hinaus auch noch regelmässig eine wunderschöne Reihe von Stiftungsmonographien mit jungen Künstlern unter dem Titel „Unikat“.

Jetzt in der aktuellen Situation hat die Spiegelberger-Stiftung aber noch eine ganz neue Form der Förderung ins Leben gerufen - "PArt" nennt sich die Initiative, die Künstler in diesen harten Tagen helfen soll, durch Online-Präsenz und einen Soforthilfe-Fond. Kreatives Krisenmanagement nennen das die Initiatoren, und im Podcast erklärt Rene ausführlich, wie das funktionieren kann.

#77 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with Yasha Young (New York / Berlin)

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Yasha Young has been in the art business for a long time, she had her own gallery Strychnin in three major cities, she was the director of the Bloom Art Fair in Cologne, she was in charge for the creation and Realisation of the Urban Nation Museum in Berlin until last year and is working on several huge projects since. Including another museum. A true global citizen she was in her apartment in New York when the pandemic started and has made her way to Berlin only recently, where I spoke with her, from a distance of roughly 300 Kilometers, of course.

With this series of special editions of heliumTALK I am trying to find out how the art community around the world is doing, so I am checking in with artists, gallerists, collectors, journalists and so on to hear how they are dealing with being locked down and what their ideas are to make the best of this.

#76 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with the artist David Shillinglaw in England

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With this series of special editions of heliumTALK I am trying to find out how the art community around the world is doing, so I am checking in with artists, gallerists, collectors, journalists and so on to hear how they are dealing with being locked down and what their ideas are to make the best of this.

For this special show I spoke with David Shillinglaw, who was on my regular podcast over a year ago (heliumTALK #31), visiting me in person in my studio in Hamburg. Here we go, two people who love to talk, please enjoy an hour of David & Jörg.

#75 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with the artist duo Low Bros from Hamburg

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My guests today is the artists duo Low Bros - Chris and Florin Schmidt, brothers from Hamburg, Germany. I reached them in their Studio.

For these special shows of my podcast I talk with people from the art world about the current situation we’re all facing these days. I just want to know how artists and gallerists from different countries are dealing with being locked down. ⠀

Note to german listeners: Es gibt auch einen deutschen Podcast mit Chris und Florin, den haben wir erst im Februar aufgenommen (heliumTALK Episode #68). Noch vor dem ganzen Wahnsinn.

#74 [english]: Corona-Isolation special with Evan Pricco, Editor in Chef of Juxtapoz Magazine

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My guest of this episode is Evan Pricco, Editor in Chief of Juxtapoz magazine, one of the leading independent art magazines of the world, and one of the most important voices in New Contemporary Art today.

For these special shows of my podcast I talk with people from the art world about the current situation we’re all facing these days. I just want to know how artists and gallerists from different countries are dealing with being locked down. ⠀

Über diesen Podcast

heliumTALK begann im Jahre 2016 als TV Talk-Show in der Galerie, bevor Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond im Frühjahr 2018 den gleichnamigen Podcast herausbrachte und in seinem Atelier Interviews mit Protagonisten aus der Welt der Kunst führte.

Seit Anfang 2022 gibt ein neues Konzept, eine erweiterte, feste Besetzung und veränderte Inhalte: der heliumTALK ist nun ein offenes Gespräch zwischen Jörg (54) und Melvin (24) Heikhaus, zwischen Künstler und Galerist, zwischen Vater und Sohn. Mal mit Gästen, mal ohne. Immer aktuell und mit spannenden Themen - aber natürlich geht es weiterhin um Kunst.

Übrigens: Während die früheren Folgen oft auch auf englisch waren, ist die neue Version in deutscher Sprache.


heliumTALK started as a live talk show for TV in our gallery in 2016, before Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond took this format into the world of audio podcasts two years later. These interviews with people from the art world were mostly recorded in his artist studio.

In 2022, heliumTALK changed its format and is now an open conversation between Jörg and the new gallerist of heliumcowboy, Melvin Heikhaus.

A conversation between artist & gallerist, between father and son. Topic is still the art world. From time to time there will be guests, and other features that we will add in the future.

Oh and even though this introduction is in English and most of the early podcasts are too - the new version is now held in German, mostly.

von und mit Jörg Heikhaus, Melvin Heikhaus


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